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We provide the highest standard of work at the lowest prices!
Team Chase Generators offers all of our services, parts, and installation fees far below other competitive companies.
Why pay more for the same or better services?
Save your money for the things you want to do, not what you have to do. It's your money after all.
We are a company that is client focused and with the rising prices in today's economy, we recognize the headache that service bills may cause. We are here to prevent that headache by providing you with the services that are needed at the most efficient prices for you.
We also price match with competing companies, please inquire with your technician.

Free Estimates and Consultations
Call today to schedule with us or click here to begin the estimation process.
Please check out our Special Offers page for discounts and other great deals.
We proudly accept the following for payment:
For more detailed information or if there is anything that we can further assist you with, please contact us at (203)828-6010
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© Team Chase Generators LLC